Friends of Redcar Cemetery
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£0.00 of £1,300.00 target
0 tickets of 50 ticket goal
About our cause
Friends of Redcar Cemetery provides a much loved and valued service for the community.We work in the cemetery every week making sure the area is tidy and clean for visitors to come to pay their repect to loved ones. It is important when funerals are occuring to ensure tht the area is ready for the internment and that theire is a peacefu qiet place for the grieving relatives. We have a strong gardening garoup who plant, weed and care for the cemetry beds. We undertake our own litter picking and twig collection.
We undetake fundraising activities to support our work and in 20 years we have imporved the cemetery with art work and sculptures so that it is now a green space for all to enjoy. We are working towards being more green to improve the environment putting in headgehog boxes, moth boxes, insect houses and a number of bird boxes. We are hoping to have a leaf deep erceted by Middlesbrough College students so that all the leaves collected and mulched will go back into the cemetery to improve the rose flowering.
We need your help to support our work in the future and hopfully we can provide a new notice board to enable us to inform visitors about the changes to the cemetery and our work. We would like to replace some of the worn information boards so they are updated and smart. We are putting in for funding for large memorials so they are able to be erected again. We honour the fallen of two world wars and the Boer war by placing tributes to them in the cemetery, laying wreaths and poppy crosses at every serviceman'/woman's grave. We also provide messages and small items for Father's and Mother's Day. At Christmas we hold a Carol Serivce in the cemetery and provide refreshments for many visitors who come to put a message on our Christmas tree. We are hoping to put in a tree trail for children from schools to open up the cemetery to youngsters to help them realise that this is a special place.
We hope you will be able to support our work which is so important for the future for the people of Redcar.
Next draw prizes
£25,000 jackpot
Next draw
Sat 15 February 2025
Draw results
£25,000 Jackpot
- Winner! Mx T (Stockton-On-Tees) Won 3 extra tickets!
- Winner! Ms T (Redcar) Won 3 extra tickets!
- Winner! Mx C (Redcar) Won 3 extra tickets!
- Winner! Mx S (Redcar) Won 3 extra tickets!
- Winner! Mx C (Middlesbrough) Won 3 extra tickets!
- Winner! Mr C (Guisborough) Won 3 extra tickets!
How the lottery works
£1 per ticket
That's right, unlike many other lotteries, our lottery tickets are only £1 per week.
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For every ticket you play 78.2% goes to good causes and prizes.
£25,000 jackpot prize
Match all 6 numbers and you win the JACKPOT!
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